Die Suche ergab 4 Treffer

von Jks
Montag 15. August 2022, 15:14
Forum: Corsaro 1200
Thema: Timing chain shoe
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 1880

Re: Timing chain shoe

Cheers. It had enough give to go in there without lifting the head with a little persuasion with a hammer :lol:
Have to do the rear one as well at some point ugh.
von Jks
Montag 15. August 2022, 11:46
Forum: Corsaro 1200
Thema: Timing chain shoe
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 1880

Re: Timing chain shoe

Hi JKS, I hope that I am wrong, but as far as I remeber from disassembing my spare motor you cannot replace the fixed shoe without lifting the cylinder head. One of the folks who exchanged their original timing chains with the modified set may know better. Best regards Robert I think that's the cas...
von Jks
Sonntag 14. August 2022, 15:03
Forum: Corsaro 1200
Thema: Timing chain shoe
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 1880

Timing chain shoe

Does anyone know if the fixed timing chain shoe is supposed to go behind that little lip?

von Jks
Mittwoch 1. Juni 2022, 09:07
Forum: Corsaro 1200
Thema: Alles nur eine Frage des Mappings
Antworten: 781
Zugriffe: 667699

Re: Alles nur eine Frage des Mappings

Hi everyone, I'm currently running the molcorc map which is really good except for low speed manouvering(especially when compared to my other bikes) and some jerking ~3000-4000rpm in city(huge improvement over the 22D map). Would Ebi's maps improve those and if so could someone send them to me? Bike...

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